Learn the rules of golf .. the smart way

Learn the rules of golf
GolfQuis is a learning app with the defined purpose of helping golfers to learn and remember the rules of golf. GolfQuis is different from other forms of learning because it is based on the principle of gamification. The concept of gamification essentially involves adding game elements to learning processes.

Thousands of golf rules questions.
In GolfQuis, there are more than 2,000 questions on the rules of golf. All of the questions have been developed and validated by golf experts and golf officials.

Every game in GolfQuis matches a round of golf and consists of 18 questions. You can play a solo game, challenge your golfing friends in a rule match, or participate in tournaments organized by GolfQuis, a sponsor, or perhaps even your local golf club.
GolfQuis users are saying:

Experienced or new golfer?
GolfQuis is recommended for both experienced players and new golfers who want to learn or become better acquainted with the rules of golf rules - or for anyone who just wants to have fun with golf outside the golf course. Enjoy golf all year round, and become smarter while you do it.

Golf Rule Handicap
When you start, you will be appointed a Golf Rule Handicap, which will improve as you get a better understanding of the rules. The difficulty of the questions increases as you move down through the six levels of golf rule questions and your rule handicap improves - just like on the golf course.

GolfQuis Pro
Try GolfQuis for yourself - a free one-week trial version is available at your app store. If you like to continue to use GolfQuis, you need to signup for a GolfQuis Pro subscription that gives you full access to thousands of golf rules questions. You get access to solo/match games, certificates, and much more. The price for a one-year subscription is on the level of what you would pay for two new golf balls.